Here’s my notes from Day 4 of the Tony Robbins Covid-19 Comeback Challenge! But first, I will embed my YouTube video I did for day 4 and my recap of it.
KK starts us off once again and tells us this is going to be Business Day
She introduces Brian Who gives us our morning warm up exercise
Back to KK who rambles for a while and then introduces Tony
As always Tony is pumped up. He starts off giving us some statistics of businesses and the one that stuck out to me was only 4% of businesses are still standing after 10 years.
Become a creator of value
Business is two things
1 Innovation – Find a better way to meet people’s needs
2 Marketing – you get people to want to do business with you
-15 years ago you only needed four exposures before a potential customer makes a purchase
-Now you need 16 exposures before the same customer makes a purchase
You link your identity to your business
Biggest mistake is people fall in love with their product or service
You have to fall in love with your ideal client
Tony talks about Steve Jobs bringing Apple back from failing to a trillion dollar company. He did this by offering computers in different colors and it drew a lot of attention.
Then they showed a video of Sarah Blakely from Spanx and he tells us to take notes like you’re going to teach someone to become a billionaire
-She wanted to be a lawyer but bombed the LSAT
-She then drove to Disney world and try it out to be goofy but she was too short so she was cast as a chipmunk
-She sold fax machines door to door
-One day she pulled over to the side of the road and said “I’m in the wrong movie”
-She looked up and said “Universe, give me an idea!”
-Two years later she finally got that idea to make Spanx
When she was 16 years old her dad gave her Dr. Wayne Dyer’s cassette tapes “How to be a No-Limit Person” Here is an amazon affiliate link if you want to check it out by clicking here!
She talked about when she was younger nobody taught her how to think
-She embraces her own mortality
-She only has one shot at life
-This is not a dress rehearsal
WIIFM – What’s in it for me?
WIIFT – What’s in it for them?
Her dad asked her every week what she failed at that week. He wanted her to fail. It was not about the outcome it was about trying.
She talks about self doubt
It’s good to not know how it’s supposed to be done
She talked about her experience calling Neiman Marcus out of the blue and she worked her butt off literally to sell herself and her brand
She asked herself “What is the most effective way to get brand awareness for no money?”
Make it – Sell it – Build awareness
Start small – Think big – Scale quickly
For two years she went to every Neiman Marcus store and sold product herself. She gave it away to all the store employees and did everything she could to sell. She went above and beyond.
Tony asks her the big question. WHY?
She said the opportunity of being a woman born in the right country at the right time. Not to squander the opportunity that was given to her. And for the women who still don’t have the opportunity.
Find something you care about more than yourself
How do you find something you’re passionate about? Whatever makes you cry or feel really sad
Back to Tony in the studio
He talks about the importance of repetition
He recommends another book that was recommended to him by Jim rohn “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. Here is an affiliate link to check it out… Click Here
What got Sarah going? PAIN!
Failure is nothing but a speedbump or a step forward to greater success
Our biggest challenge in business is we stop growing
The chokehold of growth to any business is the psychology and the skills of the leader
If you get in the habit of giving, you will get out of the scarcity concept
The way you manifest is to ask intelligently
Get crystal clear about what you want from this career or business
Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want
1 ask intelligently
2 ask specifically
3 add value first
4 ask consistently
Massive action
Above all you need Grace (God)
Two things you need in business
1 You’ve got to know for your ideal customer is who is willing to stay with you in good times and bad
2 What is your irresistible offer? Over deliver.
Find a creative way to bring something to your community that brings value
Then Tony told the story of a friend when he was younger who got into real estate. There was a trash strike at the time and he thought about hiring a private trash company for $3400 to pick up all the trash in one neighborhood Tony told him to do it and not tell anyone, so he did. When the people figured out it was him he wouldn’t take any money. He said he only wanted referrals for real estate. Over the next two years he made 1.2 million dollars in real estate commissions in that neighborhood.
He gave a bunch of examples of businesses that are thriving during COVID-19
He talked about the stages of grief that he went through and that we’ve all been going through
Crisis creates breakthrough!
Tony talks about how his 54 businesses are shut down and how they’re all pivoting
He leaked a project that he’s been working on but had no plans to talk about today. He was just too excited and couldn’t contain himself. He has been working on a huge virtual room to be able to do all of his live shows over the Internet. By doing this he will be able to reach a larger number of people and do it at a significantly smaller cost. Instead of being over $1000 it’s going to be $345 for the same program.
His first Unleash The Power Within Virtual event is July 16th to 19th.
Then they go back to KK
She gives us our challenge for the day to go on Facebook live and give a rant
-Where where you were in your business career
-Where are you now
-Where are you going
-use hashtag #Challenge4
Thanks for reading! Hope this helps someone!!!